BDE: Mrs. Esther Tauber, a”h

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Tauber, a matriarch, a survivor who rebuilt with great heroism, and longtime Boro Park resident. She turned 100 this past Yom Tov Pesach.
She was born Moshe and Shaindel Reichert in a small Hungarian town, where the family was deeply respected, and they were descendants of Mahari Assad, one of the greatest Hungarian gedolim.
She became engaged to Tzvi Tauber, of the prominent Tauber family of Serdahel (the prestigious Tauber family of Monsey and Brooklyn, prominent Rabbonim and dayonim). And during the war, they were separated. A grandson relates that Rav Moshe Neuschloss, the legendary dayan, (who was also from Serdahel), was in the same labor camp as Mrs. Tauber, who worked in the kitchen. She knew all his stringencies, and cooked for him according to his chumros. To the end of his life, he felt appreciation to her, and would regularly express his gratitude to her.
She married her husband, and they settled in Williamsburg, joining the Viener kehillah, where they sent their children to yeshiva. They soon moved to Boro Park. Reb Tzvi davened in Nitra, and also in the Debretziner Shul. Together they raised a beautiful Torah family.
Throughout the decades, she was an especially loving mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother—until her last days. She would knit sweaters for each and every one of her descendants until her last years, and displayed interest and great pride in the lives of all of her descendants. She always carried herself with regality—despite everything she endured in her life—always upbeat and positive.
The levaya will take place at noon today at Shomrei Hadas.
Watch Live the Levya of Mrs. Esther Tauber, a”h.
Yehi Zichra Baruch