BDE: Mrs. Charna Schwarz A”H

We are saddened to inform of the passing of Mrs. Charna Schwarz, a Holocaust survivor who made Boro Park her home to rebuild her life, who was niftar on Thursday evening. She was 104.
The levayah will take place at 9 o’clock Friday morning at Shomrei Hadas chapel.
Born in Hungary in 1917 to Reb Shulem Yehuda and Miriam Rochel Spitz, Charna, also known as Suzi, survived the war and immigrated to the United States. She settled in Boro Park and married, establishing a beautiful family. She worked as a secretary in a clothing factory, helping to support her family.
She was niftar at Maimonides Medical Center.
Kevura will be at the Floral Park cemetery in South Brunswick, New Jersey.
Yehi zichra boruch.