BDE: Mrs. Chana Mandelbaum, a”h

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We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chana Mandelbaum, a longtime Boro Park resident, and a matriarch of an esteemed Bobover family. She was 74 years of age.
The nifteres was the daughter of the esteemed Bobover chossid Reb Duvid Geller, z”l, and she was raised toward a life of Torah and chassidus.
She was married to Reb Moshe Chaim Mandelbaum, a prominent Bobover chossid who sadly left this world suddenly about fifteen years ago.
Together with her husband, she raised a beautiful Torah’dige, chassidishe family, with numerous marbitzei Torah and mechanchim among them.
The levaya will take place this afternoon at 12:00 at the Bobover Beis Medrash.
Yehi zichra baruch.