BDE: Mrs. Basya Mendelson, a”h

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Basya Mendelson, a longtime Boro Park resident, and renowned ba’alas chesed. She was 75 years of age.
The nifteres was born following the war in Germany to Reb Dovid and Rochel Leah Sukenik. After coming to America, the Sukenik’s settled in Crown Heights, where Basya was raised in a deeply ehrliche home that she would admire for all her life.
She was married to Reb Kalman Mendelson, the longtime proprietor of Mendelsohn’s Pizza, and they resided in Boro Park.
“She was a special, warm, and giving person,” remembers a nephew. “She would knit beautiful outfits for many family members, and she was an extremely devoted wife. When her husband fell ill, she tended to him with extraordinary dedication.”
Mrs. Mendelson was an outgoing personality with many friends and admirers who will miss her deeply.
The Levaya will take place in Shomrei Hadas at 3:00. To watch the Levaye live click here.
Yehi zichra baruch.