BDE: Mrs. Aidel Goldwasser, a”h

By: Boropark24 Staff
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Aidel Rochel Goldwasser, a pillar of the Gerer community in Boro Park, at the untimely age of 61 years old, following years of battling the dreaded machlah.
The nifteres was the daughter of, ybl”ch, R’ Aleksander
Zussman Warshawer, and was the wife of R’ Mordechai Eliezer Goldwasser, a noted
medical askan—who has assisted countless individuals in the community
going through medical crisis.
She was known as a tremendous ba’alas chessed in her
own right, giving herself over completely to her family, to those in need, and
to enabling her husband to carry on with his avodas hakodesh.
The levaya took place Sunday afternoon in Shomrei Hadas, and
her aron was flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah on Monday afternoon Israel
Yehi zichra baruch