BDE: Mr. Leslie Blau, a”h

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mr. Blau, a Holocaust survivor who exhibited courage and fortitude during the war and after it, and a pillar of the Linden Heights community.
He turned 100 years old last week
Reb Yitzchok Moshe was born in Budapest in October of 1921. He spent the war years in labor camps, and exhibited great heroism in providing his Jewish brethren with a Schutz passed (a work pass which would save their lives; facilitated by the legendary Roul Wallenberg).
Following the war he returned to Bonyhád, Hungary, where he met, tbl”ch, the former Sarah Kuttner, who survived, along with her two sisters, alone from their entire family. Aside from his mother who survived, his own family had been killed, or otherwise died from events related to the war, Hy”d.
Arriving in Boro Park, they moved into the 9th avenue area, along with Sarah’s sisters. They lived together for the ensuing 75 years—and Leslie dedicated himself to all of their welfare.
He worked for many years in the clothing business, manufacturing sweaters in his basement and delivering them to stores around New York City. He was a pillar of Congregation Bnei Israel of Linden Heights, where he served from many years as Vice President, and was an active member in many Shul initiatives.
Mr. Blau is remembered as the consummate gentleman, a refined man, a ba’al middos and a generous person who loved his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren—and kept his emunah and serenity despite the many challenges he endured.
Yehi Zichro Baruch.
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