BDE: Miami Tragedy Victims Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth, z”l, Being Flown to New York

As the horror in Surfside continues to unfold, Boropark24 has learned Reb Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth, a couple missing in the collapse, have been pulled from the rubble in Miami on Monday, and are being flown to Brooklyn, where they will be given their kovod acharon—bringing the feeling for the magnitude of the tragedy ever closer to the hearts of our community in New York.
Tzvi was from Australia and Itty (nee Fellig) was from Montreal, where they met when Tzvi was visiting family.
They raised their family in Australia, where they were beloved members of the Chabad community. They moved to Florida four years ago, where Itty’s mother, a Holocaust survivor, currently fighting cancer, R”l, resides (she was not told of these events). wrote the following in the aftermath of the collapse: “Their daughter Chana Wasserman wrote in a blog post last year: ‘Every person she encountered, ever in her life, became her friend. Everyone was treated as equals,’ she wrote in a Mother’s Day blog post about her mother. ‘The guy at the laundromat, the guy working at the fruit market ...’”
Chana also wrote about her mother intense struggle with a debilitating illness, Fibromyalgia, and how she nevertheless found a smile and a good word for everyone. “She fills everyone’s bucket with an abundance of love and compliments,” her niece, Deborah Phillips wrote. “... You feel safe with her because you know she’ll only say kind words when you leave the room and be your secret keeper for life.”
Following the levaya at 770 at 2:30 on Tuesday, the Ainsworth’s will be buried in the Montefiore Cemetery, near the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbeim to whom they were connected with heart and soul.
Yehi Zichrom Baruch.