BDE: Harav Yonasan Binyomin Goldberger Ztz”l, Bikovsker Ruv

We are saddened to inform of the passing of Harav Yonasan Binyomin Goldberger Ztz”l, Bikovsker Ruv, and a son-in-law I’d the previous Bobover Rebbe Ztz”l.
The Rabbi, was the leader of the Bikovsker Shul on 59th Street between 15 and 16th Avenues in Boro Park.
He was the Rosh Hakollel of the famous Bobover Kollel for many years, until he opened his Bhm”d.
Harav Goldberger was ill for many years, but continued leading his Kehila despite his suffering. He passed away on Monday afternoon.
Yehi Zichro Burich.