BDE: Haga’on Rav Shlomo Halioua, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin

YS Gold
It is with shock and deep regret that we inform you of the shocking petirah of Rav Sholomo Chai Yitzchok Dovid Halioua, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin. He was 66 years of age, and had only recently assumed the position of Rosh Yeshiva following the passing of his father-in-law, Haga’on Rav Aharon Schechter, who had succeeded Rav Yitzchok Hutner, zt”l.
The news of the petirah came as a crushing blow to the Yeshiva community, to the greater Flatbush community, and to the olam HaTorah at large.
His father hailed from Morocco, and served as the rov of a shul in Flatbush.
When Rav Shlomo came to learn in the yeshivas as a bachur, his name immediately went out as a great iluy, a literal Torah genius. He also spent a number of years in Brisk, where he became close to its Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik, shlit”a.
He also merited to spend time in the presence of Rav Hutner, and receive guidance from him.
Given his stature within the yeshiva, it came as no surprise that he married Rebbetzin Nechama, the daughter of its Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Aharon Schechter.
As the decades passed, Rav Halioua made his way up the ranks of the yeshiva, serving as a beloved and revered maggid shiur in the yeshiva. He stood at the side of his illustrious father-in-law in many aspects of the yeshiva’s leadership—and was recognized early on for his leadership qualities.
As his shver, the Rosh Yeshiva, grew frailer, Rav Shlomo would often join him and recite ma’amarim in his presence. He was soon seen at the future, handpicked successor to his father-in-law.
With the passing of Rav Schechter in the summer of 2023, Rav Shlomo officially became the Rosh Yeshiva—ushering in a new era in the history of Yeshiva Chaim Berlin. Rav Shlomo brought vitality and vibrancy to his role as Rosh Yeshiva, and a voice of clarity and leadership to the American mo’etzes Gedolei haTorah of Agudath Israel of America.
He led the yeshiva with love and with deep humility, presiding over the yeshiva during times of celebration and times of awe… and throughout the year, as he doted upon his beloved talmidim, overseeing and encouraging their growth.
The Rosh Yeshiva led the yeshiva’s annual Chol Hamo’ed simchas beis hashoeiva, delivering a deep and inspiring ma’mar. He was hospitalized shortly thereafter with an infection, and his situation soon deteriorated. He was niftar on Sunday afternoon to the shock and grief of so many who loved him, revered him, and were led by him.
The crushing blow of this event cannot be overstated, and a great feeling of orphanhood, sadness, and bereftness, is being felt throughout the yeshiva at this time.
The levayah will take place Monday morning 10:30, at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, located at 1605 Coney Island Avenue in Brooklyn, NY. Kevurah will follow at Beth David Cemetery, located at 300 Elmont Road in Elmont, NY.
Yehi zichro baruch.