Back to School for Hamaspik Families

The joy that Hamaspik felt as the schools finally reopened their doors was immeasurable. Having witnessed the hardship their families faced during the long months of lockdown; the excitement was palpable as September rolled around.
The expression of this feeling of exhilaration came in the form of a grand back to school package that was distributed this week to all the families of Hamaspik. A brand-new briefcase, fully stocked with shiny new supplies along with educational toys was delivered to the doorstep of each family.
The children squealed with joy as they encountered this surprise and uncovered the treasures that lay within. One mother had tears in her eyes as she told the driver:
“Not only did Hamaspik encourage us when things were difficult, they’re also happy for us when things are finally going back to normal. I find that so heartwarming. Hamaspik does it with so much Hartz & Neshuma.”
Hamaspik made an extra effort to have the package reach each household in time for the first day of school, to the delight of the mothers and children alike.