Avos Ubanim at BP Center Brings Together Generations in Torah Learning

YS Gold
The winter months bring a special and unique feature to the already-robust programming at the Boro Park Center; an avos ubanim program like no other.
While tens of thousands of children around the world join their fathers in the joy of Torah learning, the program at Boro Park Center illuminates the lives of the fathers and grandfathers who reside in the center, serving as the highlight of their week.
“These fathers and grandfathers need to be at the center for a variety of reasons,” says Nachman Feig, Associate Administrator at Boro Park Center, “but this does not mean that they should be deprived of these special moments with their children and grandchildren. To the contrary, they can use this uplift even more.”
Since the founding of this avos ubanim branch a number of years ago, when children came to learn with their father who was receiving rehabilitation care at the center, the program has steadily grown into the largest one in the neighborhood—drawing fathers and son from throughout the area.
And while the weekly pizza, door prize, raffles, and engaging storytelling are certainly a draw for the children of the neighborhood, it is likely the special nature of this unique program that brings the children back, week after week, throughout the winter months.
The program is headed by the dynamic Reb Avrum Tovia Ambush who brings a special energy to the avos ubanim, and to the fathers, grandfathers, and to the many tinnokos shel bais rabban, who receive a weekly uplift at Boro Park Center.
The learning program begins each motzei Shabbos at 7:15 sharp.