Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein Partners with BPJCC and COJO Flatbush to Host Free Chol Hamoed Extravaganzas During the Pesach Holiday

Chol Hamoed is a time for families to be together and enjoy the Yomtov season. There is no better way to celebrate than a free Chol Hamoed Extravaganza sponsored by NYS Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein in partnership with the BPJCC and COJO Flatbush.
The Boro Park Extravaganza will be held on Sunday, April 9th, at Gravesend Park on 18th Avenue. The free family event is open to the entire neighborhood and will include entertainment by Nussi Friedman, as well as a magic show, a monkey show, a ventriloquist, and a fire show. Activities will include a plethora of rides, inflatables, a petting zoo, balloon sculptures and much more. Community members of all ages are welcome to attend and enjoy an afternoon of excitement and fun.
The Flatbush community event, taking place on Monday, April 10th, will treat attendees to a super-thrilling free Extravaganza which will include pony rides, outstanding entertainment, bumper cars, rides, balloons, snacks and drinks, along with so much more. The Flatbush Chol Hamoed Extravaganza will be located at East 17th Street, between Avenue L and M (entrance on Avenue M).
Both events are free of charge and scheduled from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Pre-registration for the Boro Park event is available by visiting Flatbush residents can register at the event at 11:30 AM.
“I am delighted to once again be able to host these two unique holiday extravaganzas,” said Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein. “It’s one of the highlights of the year for me. Last year’s events were a huge success, proving once again that you don’t have to spend a fortune to enjoy a high-quality family-friendly outing right here in our own neighborhood during the holiday season. I look forward to greeting many of our local residents at this year’s extravaganzas.”
"We are proud to once again partner with Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein in service to the Boro Park community with the annual family extravaganza. This fun packed day will bring smiles and holiday joy to the countless families who attend," said Avi Greenstein, CEO of BPJCC. "We are appreciative to Assemblyman Eichenstein for sponsoring this yearly event and choosing the Boro Park Jewish Community Council as community partners."
"We are truly excited that COJO Flatbush will once again, thanks to the help of Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, be providing unlimited smiles to local youngsters and their parents with our Annual Chol Hamoed Pesach Extravaganza." said Louis. P. Welz, CEO, COJO Flatbush. "We view the Extravaganza as a natural extension of our wide array of community services, as it bring families a great deal of happiness without the prohibitive cost of a full afternoon of fun and entertainment. It gives us a tremendous amount of pleasure, especially in these challenging economic times, to know that parents won't need to dig even deeper into their pockets or add to their credit card expenses in order to give their families a joyful and memorable experience."