Assemblyman simcha eichenstein brings pop-up office to the streets of midwood

During the summer months, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein set up temporary pop-up offices throughout Midwood in an effort to connect with constituents from across his district. These pop-up locations were manned by Assemblyman Eichenstein himself as well as members of his office staff, providing community members with an opportunity to introduce themselves, seek assistance, discuss their concerns, learn about government services, and pick up free items.
Many Midwood constituents visited the pop-up locations, which were strategically located in high-traffic areas. Among the many issues, residents discussed were pandemic response, rent relief, programs for senior citizens, and employment opportunities. Invariably, they walked away with a better understanding of local government and their rights as citizens of New York.
“The warm summer weather provided an excellent opportunity for me to meet and greet countless of our neighbors in an informal outdoor setting,” said Assemblyman Eichenstein. “It was a pleasure to meet and discuss so many different topics with the concerned citizens of our neighborhoods. I was enthused by the many community members who stopped by to say hello or to speak out about the issues that matter to them. It is truly an honor to represent our fine communities in the State Assembly.”