Assemblyman Eichenstein's Historic CDPAP Legislation Enacted Into Law

In a monumental win for vulnerable New Yorkers and their caregivers, Bill #A9457, sponsored by Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein has been included in the 2023 state budget.
The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) is a NYS Medicaid program that allows eligible individuals to select their own caregivers. The program allows for the consumer to hire a family member or friend as their caregiver, therefore eliminating language barriers and the potential stress of having strangers serve as a caregiver at the consumer's home.
Eichenstein’s legislation will require the Department of Health to offer contracts to fiscal intermediaries under CDPAP that served at least 200 consumers in New York City or 50 consumers in other areas of the state as of March 30th, 2020.
In 2019, the Department of Health released a request for offers to determine fiscal intermediaries in the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, but of over 300 applicants, only 68 were selected. The state’s 2021-22 budget included new provisions that would expand the program, but this expansion was also limited. This new bill will serve to repeal the narrow expansion of 2021-22, and instead will require the DOH to offer contracts to all qualified fiscal intermediaries.
“Covid-19 has shown us that the need for quality home care services is more important than ever,” said Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein. “As more people are seeking care at home rather than in a nursing home, the demand for qualified caregivers who are caring and compassionate is increasing dramatically. Now is not the time to exclude fiscal intermediaries that have been servicing these vulnerable populations.”
“I would like to thank Assembly Speaker Heastie as well as Governor Hochul for recognizing the significance of this legislation and for their commitment to the health and well-being of all New Yorkers, including the elderly and those with developmental disabilities.”