Annual Legislative Meet and Greet This Morning in Sullivan County

Annual Legislative Meet and Greet This Morning in Sullivan County

By M.C. Millman

This morning, the JCC of Sullivan County held its Annual Legislative Meet and Greet event at the Monte Manor on East Broadway in  Monticello. 

Attendees had the opportunity to meet and mingle with elected officials, public servant officials from the law enforcement community, candidates running for public office, community leaders, and activists. 

"Last week, we celebrated our nation's independence," Chaskel Bennet, Community Askan, spoke stirringly. "Independence Day, July Fourth, in some circles it's not the same as it always has been, but in this room, in this community - as children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of immigrants, July Fourth and the United state of America, means more to us than any other community. It's where our parents, our ancestors, came to find a better life."

“The idea of the annual meet and greet is to create a bridge between the community and the elected officials,” says Abraham Rosenberg, JCC of Sullivan County team member. “Sullivan County is a place where your vote makes a difference because one vote in Sullivan County is the equivalent of  50 votes in NYC while one vote in a local election, for instance, in the Town of Fallsburg, is like 350 votes in New York City.  Each vote here has enormous voting power in a location where elections are literally down to eight votes. And the electeds know our community can and does make all the difference, and they very much appreciate it.”

On the topic of voting power, Former Congressman John Faso spoke about the significant part Sullivan County played in the election of Judge  Thomas Marcelle, who won the election for New York State Supreme Court last November by 797 votes in the seven-county district.

Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Schiff addressed attendees regarding antisemitism. "If it raises its ugly head, which it does from time to time," he shared, "make sure you report it. Don't look at it and say we'll just let it go. 

"There is no place for hate in Sullivan County," Sullivan County's Acting District Attorney Brian Conaty declared. 

Conaty also mentioned how Sullivan County's Jewish community has the lowest crime rate of any other community and suffers the least from the nationwide opioid epidemic.

Assemblyman Simcha Eicheninste acknowledged his colleague, State Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, telling attendees, "How lucky you are to have someone so  proud to stand for our community."

The event was also attended by numerous individuals on the Federal, State, and local level, including Congressman Mark Molinaro; Congressman John Faso; NYS Assemblyman Simcha Eichestein; State Senator Peter Oberaker:  Sullivan County Clerk Russel Reaves, Acting Distinct Attorney Brian Conaty; Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Shiff; Sullivan County Undersheriff Eric Chaboly; R’ Moshe Grunhout, President and founder of the Sullivan County JCC, along with other electeds from local town and their representatives, and Sullivan County coordinators of  Sullivan County Hatzolah, Chaveirim and Agugas Yisroel were also in attendance. 

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