Annual Appreciation Event Held for Shomrim Volunteers

By M.C. Millman
Last night Shomrim held its annual appreciation event at Boro Park's 84 Rooftop.
Chief Jeffrey Maddrey discussed his 20 years of working with Boro Park Shomrim. "I just can't say enough," he addressed the members, "about what you do for the communities and what you mean for me professionally and personally, how much you've done through the years to help bring down crime ... God bless you for what you do out here, risking your lives so not only your community but communities all around can be safe, and I can't thank you enough for that."
The evening included the exciting announcement by Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein of the funding he secured and delivered for a new Shomrim command center vehicle. The assemblyman shared the announcement as he stood side by side with Motty Brauner, Shomrim coordinator.
"I was thrilled to join Boro Park Shomrim at their Member Appreciation barbeque last night," Assemblyman Eichenstein shared with BoroPark24. "These selfless volunteers are dedicated to maintaining the safety and security of our community. It was an honor to express my appreciation to them."
Councilman Kalmin Yeger announced that for the last two years, he has been able to bring increased resources to Boro Park and Flatbush Shomrim. This year the councilman was able to add an additional $50,000 to his annual allocation to fund Shabbos patrols in both neighborhoods.
"I'm always grateful for the opportunity to personally thank Shomrim's selfless volunteers for the work they do to keep our community safe," Councilman Kalman Yeger shares with BoroPark24. "One night of appreciation is never enough to show our gratitude for their dedication to our community."
Among the speakers was the Zlozitzer Rov Shilt"a, who makes himself available to the members to answer shailos. He expressed his great appreciation to the organization for all that the members do for the community.
Among the honorees was Shomrim volunteer Avrhom Yosef Wosner who received an appreciation award for his dedication in working day and night to retrieve footage to assist Shomrim and the 66th Precinct in their critical work keeping the community safe. Shomrim volunteer Shloimy Levi was also honored for his diligence in coordinating communications with the NYPD.
The evening was attended by Boro Park Shomrim volunteers, electeds, and local community leaders, as well as Fred Kreizman, Commissioner, Mayor's Community Affairs Unit; Ritchie Taylor, NYPD Deputy Inspector; Barry Spitzer from Community Board 12; Joel Eisdorfer, senior advisor to Mayor Adams; R' Berish Frielich; Brooklyn South, Chief Charles McEvoy; Captain Gary Marcus; Captain Gary Marcus, Detective Bureau Hate Crimes Task Force; and members of the 66th Precinct.
photos by: Avrumi Berger