The Cheesecake Letter

The Cheesecake Letter

An emotional exchange between mother and child.

Mommy: Shloime, you didn't come out of your room all day, and as a mother I can sense that something is bothering you. Please tell me what it is.

Shloime: Nothing

Mommy: We know you are having a hard time with the Corona situation. We all are. But Tatty and I are here for you and will do anything for you - whatever it takes. 

Shloime: Really? Do you mean it?

Mommy: Of course, we mean it!

Shloime: Even though some of my friends always have so much nosh, I know that we are different and can't always have nosh. Every year, my favorite part of Shavuos is to go to our shul where Mr. ---- sponsors a big kiddush with all different types of cheesecakes. He always lets me bring home the leftovers, and it lasts for a few weeks. This year, not only can't I go to shul because I'm too young, there won't even be a kiddush and that means there won't be leftovers. That is why I’m sad.

Mommy left the room, fighting tears.

Her hands were tied.

She simply couldn't afford spending money on cheesecake. 

There are so many Shloimes out there. And so many Mommys who can’t provide basics for their children.

This email will reach thousands of people. If only half of the readers take the time, and give a small donation, we will be able to help hundreds of Yidden. In that zechus, may Hashem bentch you and your family with happiness, health and wealth.

Keren Aniyem began in 1982, with a few balabatim quietly placing envelopes under the doors of needy families. Over the years, this has evolved to hundreds of needy families receiving monthly stipends via US mail. 

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