Aleksander Rebbe Arrives in New York for Week of Chizuk

YS Gold
The Aleksander Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Harav Yisroel Danziger,
has arrived in JFK on Wednesday afternoon, where he was welcomed by Chassidim
as he arrives for a tour of chizuk and in support of the mosdos in Eretz Yisroel.
A kabbolas ponim, together with a seudas Rosh Chodesh, will
take place Thursday evening in the Satmar Talmud Torah in Boro Park, and the
Rebbe will stay with his Boro Park host, Reb Yankel Guttman.
The Rebbe will spend Shabbos with chassidim from throughout the United States at the Armon Hotel in Stamford, Ct, and following Shabbos, he will spend a few days in the Lakewood community.
He will return to Eretz Yisroel next Thursday.