Agudath Israel Says Religious Services Such as Minyanim Are Essential and May Be Performed During Curfew

Attention New York City residents – Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah's director of New York government relations, has this important message for you: New York City has imposed a curfew from 8 pm to 5 am starting tonight through Sunday June 7.
We have received many inquiries as to how that effects maariv minyanim, early shacharis, and mikvah attendance. Agudath Israel reached out to Captain Richard Taylor of the NYPD Community Affairs Bureau who has informed us that religious services are considered essential and are not in violation of the curfew.
This directive will be passed down to relevant precinct commanders in the city who will transmit it to officers on the ground. If someone happens to be stopped by a police officer, they can inform them they are on the way to or on the way back from a religious service.
Should one encounter any problems they should email Rabbi Silber, who is in direct contact with the Police Department, at
Please be mindful of your safety and realities on the ground if you have need to go out for religious services during curfew.