Admor of Seret-Viznitz in America for Weeklong Visit

By: Yehuda Alter
The Seret-Viznitzer Rebbe of Haifa has arrived in America where he will be for one week, greeting chassidim in advance of the Days of Awe, and raising funds for the institutions of the chassidus in Eretz Yisroel.
The rebbe arrived on Thursday morning, and davened shachris at the home of R’ Yehuda Freiman, a noted Seret-Viznitzer chosid.
The rebbe will spend shabbos in the mountains with a number of close people, and will not host any public events during his stay there.
Tuesday evening, the rebbe will headline the wedding of his confidante and relative, and major philanthropist in the chassidus, R’ Baruch Halperin.
Wednesday, the rebbe will attend the wedding of the daughter of his Gabbai, R’ Menachem Klahr, and later he will attend the wedding of a grandchild of the Rebbe of Viznitz-Bnei Brak.
He will return to Eretz Yisroel on Thursday, following a week of chizuk to the American chassidim.