Act Now! Pidyon Rashash: The Segulah Guaranteed to Bring Your Personal Yeshuah

By BoroPark24 Staff
Tonight is the deadline for Pidyon Rashash, the Segula that is guaranteed to bring your Yeshuah!
Reb Chaim Vital, who performed this renowned Pidyon for himself every year, writes in his Sefer Pri Eitz Chaim: “Thousands of times this Segulah has been tried and proven.”
While the Arizal revealed the secrets of this powerful Pidyon, the holy Rashash instructed how to perform it: one should set aside 160 pure silver coins, recite special Kabbalistic Tefilos with pure Kavanos, and donate these coins to Talmidei Chachamim who are Moser Nefesh for Torah learning. Through this Segulah, the individual receives a Pidyon Nefesh (a redemption of the soul) where judgment is transferred from the person to the coins, the person then attains a new Mazal and Tzelem Elokim.
The Sefer Shemen Sason writes that anyone for whom the Pidyon Rashash is performed will certainly live through the year.
This Segulah is particularly powerful after midnight. It is well known that while wonderful Hashpaos and Yeshuos are often waiting to descend, we are not always worthy of them. However, once the Pidyon Rashash is performed, the individual becomes spiritually pure with a renewed Tzelem Elokim, clearing the way for Hashpaos Tovos to descend—bringing Refuos, Shidduchim, Nachas, Parnassah, and all the blessings we so desperately need.
On the 10th of Shevat, the Yahrzeit of the Rashash, the Kollel Chatzos Mekubalim perform this Segulah and distribute the coins among the Kollel learners. These Talmidei Chachamim, who sacrifice their nights for Torah, are uniquely worthy to perform the Pidyon, as they truly embody Torah with Mesirus Nefesh. They recite the lengthy Tefilos individually for each name, with each Pidyon performed in the most Mehudar manner at the most opportune time—after midnight.
Now is your chance to experience this powerful Segulah for yourself and your family! Take advantage of this opportunity at the Tzion of the holy Tana, Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai, in Meron.
Deadline: Thursday Night, February 6th, at midnight.
Act now: Contact us 24 hours a day:
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