Acquisition of Torah Temima Building for Satmar Talmud Torah Announced at Dinner

By YS Gold
Attendees at the dinner to benefit the Satmar mosdos in Boro Park were apprised of an incredible development that is causing ripples of excitement within the kehillah. The Satmar mosdos in Boro Park are growing by leaps and bounds and constantly require larger quarters.
A while ago, they announced the purchase of an enormous lot on 14th Avenue and 63rd Street for the Beis Rochel girls school, and now we learn that the leadership of Satmar has purchased the gigantic Yeshiva Torah Temimah building for its Talmud Torah.
Torah Temima has been a legendary name in the Brooklyn community for decades, having been founded and led by Rav Lipa Margulies, zt”l. The beautiful building on Ditmas Avenue and Ocean Parkway is in move-in condition, and the kehillah has recently entered into a $20 million contract to purchase it.
The building stands at six stories, with 50 classrooms, a beis medrash, and every amenity that the Talmud Torah will need.
Putting up the seed money for the purchase is Reb Lipa Friedman, a son of the legendary gabbai, Reb Moshe Friedman. The building will be named “The Lipa Friedman Building.”