A Letter from an Inmate in Fort Dix Federal Prison

I am writing this letter with a heart filled with gratitude
and amazement.
Klal Yisrael are known to be baalei chesed. We are known to
do kindness and to help out one another. And yet, there comes a time when one
man stands out from the crowd and does chesed in such a way, with such a group
a people, that leaves all of us spellbound.
Rabbi Yidel Tabak, in here, in Fort Dix, when his name is
mentioned the chevra all smile and say "he is such a tzaddik. A real
genuine person who cares." And for years I have been hearing this and I
have even benefited from his kindness with the financial help that he’s
provided to me and others, yet, I just didn't realized how far he is willing to
go for another Yid in prison.
When I contacted him in regards to seforim that we needed or
desire (personal and communal), that I thought would be very helpful since we
are under quarantine due to COVID19, within hours all of the seforim requested
were ordered and then some. Reb Yidel kept asking if we needed anything else
and followed up on that as well. We are talking hundreds and hundreds of
dollars on seforim, just from this one request.
And that's just me! But Reb Yidel has been doing this for all
the other Yidden here and in other prisons for many years.
It’s astonishing to see how he always wants to make sure that
everyone has what they want and need, and he keeps on wanting to do more and
more, and we are left wondering how he is doing all this? Is there anyone
helping him?
What makes it even more pleasant, is the fact he is doing it
with such simcha, as if we are doing him a favor.
I remember a letter you sent me a while back, with one line
that I only now understand the emotions behind it. You wrote that “if there is
anything I can do for you, please let me know right away, don’t hesitate.”
Little did I know how much he meant it and how far he was
willing to go.
I’d like to publicly thank Rabbi Tabak for being the epitome
of a Baal Chesed, and for showing what it means to love another Yid just like
yourself, and to desire to see them delighted and happy.
- R. B. –
FCI Fort Dix
Dear Klal Yisroel listen to the cries of our brothers in the
depths of the Prison System, please stretch out your hand to Reb Yidel. Help
him help them! It’s almost impossible to understand what this means to them.
And in the z’chus of your generous contribution, may you never understand their
plight, and may we all merit to see the ultimate Geulah shleima in the near
Please contribute generously to help our brothers behind bars Here: Click Here To Donate