A Glimpse into Boro Park's Tapestry of Trees

A Glimpse into Boro Park's Tapestry of Trees

By Idy Perl

As reported last week, the Parks Department is currently in the process of planting 9,300 new trees around New York.

Boro Park has been part of such planting sprees in the past, and even though we’re not getting any new trees this time around, the tree data in Boro Park is pretty fascinating and and definitely worth exploring.

According to the New York City Tree Map, which maps every single tree in the 5 boroughs, Boro Park alone has 6,672 trees of 205 different species. These trees help the neighborhood conserve $1,010,499 worth of energy each year. Brooklyn has a total of 229,594 trees on the map.

The most common tree species in Boro Park is the London planetree, of which there are 1,255, which makes up 19% of the total trees in Boro Park. There are 114,826 of the London planetree in the City.

The map has on public record every single tree in the area, along with its type, size, age, and the latest report on tree care and inspection.

To learn more about the tree types on your block, click here for the city map which allows you to click on each individual tree and learn more about it. 

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