200 Cholei Yisroel and Their Families Enjoy a Chanukah Event by the Tantzers to Ease Their Pain

How do you smile when you’re worried and in pain? At a recent Tantzers Chanukah Event for 200 patients and their families, the answer was clear. It all came down to the complete focus on sensitivity and simcha. Every part of the event, from the matching t-shirts that maintained privacy, to the delectable, seemingly-unending fleishig buffet, to the high-energy, fun welcome at the door by The Friendsteins, was carefully and thoughtfully put together for an event that lingers in everyone’s minds.
After an hour of relaxing, socializing, and enjoying the great food, the crowd headed to the concert hall, to be treated to a private concert that included Shmueli Ungar, Meilich Braunstein, Yiddish Nachas and Lev Choir, with music by Freiliach Band. From lights to sound to energy, it was all there, pumping the room and the crowd with true simcha and chizzuk that would last long after the final note was played. The crowd quickly rose up and began dancing, with Shimi Adar directing the women’s dancing. The concert rivaled some of the biggest headline events of the year.
As the patients and their families prepared to leave, each family received a carton loaded with gifts, toys and games for the whole family. But what they really took home was the chizzuk, the simcha, and the support of an event that will be felt for weeks to come. “My son was able to smile before his chemo today” reported one parent a few days afterwards, expressing how much the event meant. “He was able to face the pain because he’s still on such a high from the Chanukah Event.”
Other parents report similar. “Our whole family spent weeks looking forward to the Chanukah Event.” It’s a chance for the siblings to feel taken care of, meet others in a similar situation, and get support they so desperately need. Being a patient or a family member of a patient is excruciating; the Tantzers Chanukah Event infuses them with strength that carries each participant forward for weeks and months .