18th Ave Park Brings Cops and Kids Together with “Police Commissioner’s Day of Play”

By Yehudit Garmaise
NYPD officers from the 66th precinct will be heading to
Gravesend Park at 18th Avenue and 56th Street today to play
ball and do fun activities with children from 4 to 7 pm during the Police
Commissioner’s Day of Play.
The previous mayoral administration initiated citywide Police
Commissioner’s Days of Play to better protect and serve children in NYC by
bringing cops and kids together.
The thinking was that better relationships between police
departments and the communities would create feelings of well-being, trust, and
more public safety.
“Join us for the Police
Commissioner's day of Play at Gravesend Park from 4-7 pm,” the 66th
Precinct tweeted yesterday about today’s event, in which youth
officers will foster positive connections with neighborhood children.