1233 57th Street Development Revises Proposal in Light of Strong Opposition, Hearing Scheduled

1233 57th Street Development Revises Proposal in Light of Strong Opposition, Hearing Scheduled

YS Gold 

The developers of the “57th street Project” have reached out to Community Board 12 for a new hearing where they will present a revised proposal. This after the board unanimously struck down the previous proposal, which called for up to nine stories being developed on the property. 

The new proposal calls for the development of a four-story, 75,534 square feet of residential building space, containing a total 36 units, over four lots. It would require the rezoning of the lots from R5 to R6B. 

22,000 square feet would be allocated to parking on the sub-cellar level of the building, bringing a total of 58 parking spaces, with a separate entrance and exit for the cars into and out of the lot. 

The hearing for rezoning will take place Tuesday, June 20 at 7:00 PM at Community Board 12, Amico Senior Center – 5901 13th Avenue (entrance on 59th Street) 3rd Floor. Participation will also be possible on zoom. 

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