Boro Park Center Updates Visiting Policy to Combat Spread of Coronavirus

In an urgent letter to the community, Boro Park Center says it is updating its visiting policy to address the spreading of the novel Coronavirus and protect its patients who are mostly elderly people.
The latest information about COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus claims that the elderly are most at risk for serious illness.
The center is urging all potential visitors to remain at home if the have had any fever over the past 48 hours, have an active cough or traveled out of the country within the last 14 days.
In the letter, signed by Dr. Shimshi Zimmerman, the medical director of Boro Park Center, they also urge you to remain at home if you’ve been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or lived / visited in an area with an on-going spread of the disease within the past 14 days.
Children under the age of 12 should not come visit at all.
For those visiting, they encourage you to Wash your hands regularly with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds) or alcohol-based gel hand rub, use proper cough etiquette (cover mouth with sleeve and cough into your elbow (not in hands) or use tissue when coughing / sneezing, (then quickly discard) and wash hands after use of tissues.